Thursday, December 3, 2009


No pictures on this post, just a little boy story from our vacation.
One night we were watching a movie and Dallin was cuddling with me (so sweet and innocent, but just wait!). I noticed he was picking his nose and I told him, "Noooo, YUCKY!" and I patted his little hand away from his nose. He looked at me and said, "NO! YUMMY!" Totally grossed out, I insisted that it was 'yucky', which of course made him insist all the harder that it was indeed 'YUMMY'. Then, before I knew what was happening, a little pudgy finger with a booger on it was headed for my mouth!!! He was trying to show me how 'yummy' his boogers were! AHHHHH. Luckily I was able to stop the booger-coated finger before it made it to my mouth, but it took quite a struggle because I was in a weakened state from laughing so hard.

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