Friday, March 5, 2010

29 week appointment

Here's some more preggy stats:

Heart beat: 138 beats/min
weight: 156 (so 33lbs for the total pregnancy and 10lbs in the last month, sheesh!)
measuring: 30-31 cm, so a little big, but she said it could just be the way the baby is laying.

I was curious about if I was measuring "on schedule" because I have gotten several comments, like "what has the doc said about you being so big?" and "are you sure your dates are right?". But, everything seems to be on schedule, so no worries. The NP did say that I have a secret compartment somewhere (based on my experience with previous pregnancies), so I measuring on time doesn't mean that I won't have a good-sized baby. (The secret compartment has to do with my last 2 babies being over 9 1/2lbs, but me measuring "on schedule" the whole pregnancy).

I had my bloodwork done, and my thyroid, iron, and glucose levels are good. So, yay for a healthy pregnancy!! Only 11 weeks until I'm due. Thank goodness! I'm starting to wind down for the pregnancy!

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